Midland’s mini-storage specialists can help grieving parties handle a storage inheritance
Midland’s mini-storage specialists insist that dealing with a loved one’s possessions is best when one feels ready. An option is to continue paying for the unit until you are prepared to revisit the contents. You may not have a personal attachment to the stored possessions, and that’s okay.
It’s common to work to a deadline to clear a deceased person’s rented home, increasing the responsibility when a storage unit is involved. Remember that you will also be responsible for bills from the storage company until the unit is emptied.
Examine credit card and bank statements for storage bills
It is typical to find out about your loved one’s unit when the direct debits stop going through, and the storage company gets in touch by letter or calling the emergency contacts provided. You can anticipate this by checking financial statements for outgoings connected to self-storage. You can also look for letters or emails from a storage company among the deceased’s documents.
Getting access to a deceased person’s storage unit
Ideally, you would have the necessary documentation, keys, or codes to open the storage. But that’s rarely the case. You might be looking at a more prolonged process if you didn’t know about the storage unit or if no arrangements were made for you to access the self-storage.
Start by letting the company know about what’s happened. An exemplary storage company will likely be more sensitive when dealing with bereaved relatives. Generally, the storage manager may ask for the death certificate and documentation proving you are the executor before letting you into the unit.
One way to make sure the stored goods are safe is to keep paying the storage bill out of the estate, even with no access. Self-storage costs differ from state to state and depend on the type of storage unit.
Making an inventory
Suppose you have an inventory of everything in the storage unit. Then you can quickly work out what to do with the contents. Storage companies will need a checklist as part of the contract. Your loved one may also have noted down what they’ve got. It’s typical to end up with an outdated list or a list of items with things like garden furniture, a suitcase, and 5 boxes of books. It’s better to go through the contents of your loved one yourself to get an idea of what you’ve got before making a decision.
The value of your relation’s storage unit
More than a glance is required to assess the value of the contents in the storage. Still, only you and your family can determine the sentimental value of a deceased person’s possessions. Options include disposing of, donating, recycling, and keeping the belongings for yourself and other estate beneficiaries.
Work with Midland’s mini-storage
Looking for a mini-storage near me? Midland’s mini-storage specialists can provide personalized tips for approaching a loved one’s possessions. Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable pricing. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis NC, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.