Storage facilities give you a plan to optimize your stuff
Storage facilities and the organization of them is often an oversight by new renters in Concord. One of the more common mistakes they make is not understanding how much space they have inside their storage units.
Renters can quickly overfill units with furniture and cardboard boxes, and when they require something, it can take hours to find it. Also, there is bad weather or high humidity, which quickly ruins cardboard and the things inside. Boxes split, and because there is no air circulation, things begin to get moldy.
If you need advice on the best way to layout your storage needs, read the tips below and save yourself plenty of aggravation.
First steps for storage unit organization
If you plan to access your storage facilities frequently, this is more sensible, but it should also apply if you are using your storage unit in Concord for long-term storage. It is necessary to place furniture and larger sturdy items towards the rear of the storage unit or against one wall.
Boxes and cards should line the wall’s face, so the storage unit’s center is a pathway.
Make your storage master list
Each box should have all of your Concord storage items listed. But you should also create a master list along with this, which shows where each box is located. It may take a little more time to make, but you’ll be glad you did once you need something.
At the same time, consider your storage boxes and use garage storage shelves because they can save a lot of time and heartache. Double or triple stacked boxes will cause the bottom boxes to split, and the stack will fall.
Clear plastic storage boxes are recommended because they are strong and can be stacked better. Using shelving units to organize storage facilities makes it easier, and it keeps cardboard off the cold floor.
Group items for Concord storage facilities organization
It would help if you grouped similar things when you pack your items. This means that you can quickly locate an object once you start looking for it. Examples of items that can be grouped are as follows:
• Camping gear
• Seasonal clothing
• Sports equipment and fishing gear
• Tools and hobby equipment
• Important documents and paperwork
Find Advice for top Concord storage facilities
New users of storage facilities can follow all the tips; however, they can be forgotten or fallen for the biggest mistake. They underestimated the space needed for their belongings.
To make sure you don’t fall for this easy mistake, call Mr. Storage, and the staff will gladly explain how you can estimate the space you need for your belongings.
They can also take advantage of other affordable options because you might need a climate control system for your storage unit organization project.
One of the newer things with storage facilities is arranging these online and paying your bills without heading off to the office.
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.