Storage space best serves people who need additional space

Storage space in Harrisburg NC helps residents, students, and business owners get more space at affordable rates. The extra space substitutes the space at home, allowing one more living room which boosts their comfort.

The best storage spaces are commonly used on a rent basis, either for the long or short term. Some of the properties of such amenities are their accessibility and safety when storing personal items. You thus enjoy flexible and convenient solutions to your space needs.

Here are some common questions and concerns that most people have about storage spaces.

What happens when I need space, but your unit is too small?

Storage units vary in size, so you can find the perfect size unit in our facility. The different sizes for the units seek to cater to the diverse needs that most clients have. Request to have a unit that matches your use and size.

Also, the unit you are working with might not be small; organizing your storage items might leave you with impressive space. It is vital to have an organization plan and make sure the unit fits your needs.

Can I get storage units with special amenities to store fragile items in the winter?

YES! We have climate-controlled items to maintain favorable temperatures for weather-sensitive items depending on your use. In addition, you can keep your mechanical and electronic items in the storage unit, which prevents them from being damaged under freezing temperatures.

What items can I not store in the unit?

We do not allow some items inside the storage facilities for safety reasons. These items include:

  • Firearms
  • Explosives
  • Flammable material
  • Toxic items
  • Perishable foods
  • Illegals such as drugs and stolen items

What documents will you need when renting the storage?

You will need to have several documents like a driver’s license or passport, a state ID card, and proof of address or residency to rent a unit. The documents are mandatory for the rental agreement to be void since each party acts in good faith.

What will happen when moving out of the storage?

When moving out of the storage unit, you need to offer at least a week’s advance notice. This is included in the rental agreement terms, and they allow the storage company to prepare for the release and termination of the rental agreement.

Find the best storage space in Harrisburg NC for you

The best storage facility offers round-the-clock protection for all your items. Find the best storage space in Harrisburg to keep your personal items secure.

Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable pricing. We have storage facilities in Concord, SalisburyHarrisburgKannapolis, and MidlandContact us today to reserve your unit.