Storage units in Concord NC and why climate-control is a good idea for your clothing
Storage units in Concord NC understand that the perfect wardrobe for you could take time, money, and effort. It’s essential to take care of your clothing and designer things to last as long as possible. Here is how to protect your clothes
Vintage care
Experts advise that if you have clothing that has been handed down from one generation to the next or that is considered vintage, you may want to consider storing it in a climate-controlled environment to prevent damage. Since vintage clothing tends to need more attention to maintain its quality, you should do all you can to preserve it. As a result, you should invest in climate-controlled storage to guarantee that your antique objects are not damaged (or damaged more) while they are being stored.
Value your clothes
Professionals recommend that you store your clothing in a cool, dry place as a precautionary measure. Spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on a garment only to have it ruined by mildew or mold after a few years is not an option. Climate-controlled storage units are also suitable for storing valuable clothing.
Delicate clothes
Storage units’ experts advise that some delicate materials should be stored in climate-controlled facilities since certain materials decay quicker in an improper environment. Certain metals and wooden products are no exception.
Fresh clothes
Climate-controlled storage is an excellent choice for those who simply wish to maintain their items in the best possible shape. To keep your clothes smelling fresh, use dryer sheets in the spaces between them while putting them away.
Precautionary measures
- Storage professionals advise that before storing clothing, it’s essential to wash them beforehand, fold them properly. To avoid damage, always use garment bags when needed.
- To help you keep track of your belongings, you may want to develop an inventory system using labels and a chart. Before putting your goods in storage, make sure you have a strategy.
Advantages of using a climate-controlled storage
Storage professionals explain that there are numerous advantages to using climate-controlled storage. Climate-controlled storage provides additional safety and peace of mind for your belongings. It guarantees that weather changes will not affect your clothing or other valuables. To keep your most prized possessions safe, you’ll need to invest in a safe and secure place, Mr. Storage. Mr. Storage facility is sure to help you keep those your apparels safely.
Best storage units in Concord NC with climate-control
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable pricing. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.