Are you finding out you have too many vehicles for your home?
Vehicle storage can quickly become a problem in any home. The numbers increase and driveways and garages become full. In some areas, you are even prohibited from certain parking types of vehicles. To top this, if you have a boat and find the local water storage rates expensive, you will undoubtedly be looking for an alternative.
If you find you are up against it for vehicle storage, here are the top three for making use of the local storage facility.
Using the local Salisbury NC storage facility for car storage
You may be away from home for an extended period, or you have an ongoing vehicle restoration project. These two scenarios may lead you to look for a self-storage facility that provides car parking. Many do, and now many people use internal storage for their cars.
DIY mechanics who own cars they are restoring are turning to car storage units. These double as an extension to their home garage. With that, they have a lot of space to work, and there is no need to tidy up every time they finish working on their vehicle.
Garages don’t make ideal boat storage spaces
Boat storage outside the water offers many benefits. The cost of renting keeping boats on the water in Salisbury NC can be very high when compared to using self storage as your local vehicle storage space. This is an efficient and very safe storage area.
To make matters worse, there are adverse weather conditions where your boat may be exposed throughout the day.
Paint and cloth can fade from intense sun, and with strong winds, there may be damage from debris flown across the deck. Even the small maintenance jobs become more difficult because your boat is tossed around on the waves. Dry boat storage means you can secure and cover your boat. Depending on the size of your boat, you might be able to fit it in one of the storage units that comes with drive-up access. Now, you can make repairs or carry out routine maintenance in your spare time.
RV Storage problems can be solved
Homeowners can live in a neighborhood for years, and as soon as they drive a new RV up their driveway, they find the community is protected by CC & R’s (Agreements, Conditions & Limitations). This limits what homeowners can and cannot do around their homes.
CC & R’s are put in place to preserve and protect neighborhoods and to enhance the value of local properties. A parked motorhome is considered a way to reduce all of the above. Vehicle storage facilities are affordable for storing RVs, and you will be safe from accidentally failing against any CC & R’s which are in place.
Drive up access storage in Salisbury NC
Many homes are simply not built with storing more than one or two vehicles. This can be even worse when recreational vehicles are being stored for weekend fun. The reasons above are a sample of how motorists are making full use of their local vehicle storage.
If you have an abundance of vehicles, or you are restricted in storage space in general, you can quickly contact Mr. Storage, and the staff will be able to help you with all your storage requirements
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.