What if my home doesn’t have a garage?
Self storage in Harrisburg NC may resolve some parking issues when dealing with off-road parking. Some homeowners are prohibited in their regions from parking larger vehicles in front of their homes. Most RVs quickly fall into this category.
Boat storage requirements may be a necessity because fees for keeping boats securely moored in a marina might be too steep for the casual boater.
Recreational vehicles in Harrisburg NC quickly consume free space. If you find yourself in this situation, see below and read about the main storage requirements.
Winter RV storage in Harrisburg NC
Homeowners may live in a neighborhood for years, and as they drive their new RV on the driveway, they learn that covenants, conditions and restrictions cover their community. These could be very restrictive of what homeowners should and shouldn’t do around their homes.
These CC&Rs are there to preserve and protect neighborhoods and to increase property values. A parked RV is, in many cases, seen as a thing that will lessen all of the above. Self storage can be very affordable for RV storage and will not encroach on any CC&R on site.
Homes are not good for dry boat trailer storage
Off-water boat storage has many advantages. Rental costs of holding boats on the water in Harrisburg NC can be high in comparison to a self-storage facility that provides safe storage areas. Besides, there are unfavorable weather conditions your boat will be subject to 24 hours a day.
The paint and fabrics may fade in bright sun, and with strong winds, damage or debris may occur on the deck. Dry dock storage means you can protect and cover your boat. It is possible, depending on the size of your boat, to fit in one of the storage units with car access. You can now do repairs or maintenance out of the colder weather.
Internal car self storage
You may stay away from home for an extended period, or have a vehicle restoration project underway over the holidays. Both these situations can lead you to look for self storage facilities offering parking lots for cars.
Home mechanics who own a classic car are now turning into lockable vehicle storage units as a garage extension to their home. They have plenty of space with this, and there’ s no reason to pack up everything each time they finish working on their vehicle.
Vehicle storage solutions in Harrisburg NC
Even when homes provide plenty of space, this can rapidly be lost when dealing with any vehicle storage. The preceding reasons are the start of a lengthy list of reasons why self storage continues to benefit owners of all types of vehicles.
If you have an excess of vehicles or find yourself restricted with storage space at home, contact Mr. Storage, and the helpful staff there will run through all the vehicle storage options in your local, secure storage facility.
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.