Storage space is ideal for storing shoes

Storage space in Concord NC can help you preserve your shoe collection. If you find yourself with an ever-expanding shoe collection but limited space at home, you might be considering storing your shoes in a storage unit. While this can be a great solution to free up space in your home, it’s important to take certain considerations into account, especially when dealing with different shoe materials. In this article, we’ll explore the ins and outs of safely storing your shoes in storage units and discuss the specific needs of various shoe materials.

  1. Clean and Prepare Your Shoes

Before placing your shoes in storage, it’s crucial to clean them thoroughly. This step is universal, regardless of the shoe material. Dirt, dust, and moisture can damage your shoes over time, so ensure they are clean and dry. Here’s a basic cleaning guide for different shoe materials:

  • Leather Shoes: Use a leather cleaner and conditioner to clean and moisturize the leather. Polish them if necessary.
  • Suede Shoes: Brush off any surface dirt with a suede brush, and consider using a suede protector spray.
  • Canvas Shoes: Wash canvas shoes with mild detergent and let them air dry completely.
  • Athletic Shoes: Remove insoles, clean them separately, and let the shoes air out to prevent odors.
  1. Choose the Right Storage Containers

When it comes to storing shoes, the right containers are essential. Avoid storing them in plastic bags, as they can trap moisture and cause mold and mildew growth. Instead, opt for breathable storage solutions like shoe boxes with ventilation holes, clear plastic bins, or fabric shoe organizers. Label each container for easy identification.

  1. Climate Control Matters

Storage units can be subjected to fluctuating temperatures and humidity levels. Extremes in either can be detrimental to your shoes. To maintain the integrity of your footwear, consider a climate-controlled storage unit. These units provide a stable environment that prevents extreme temperature changes and humidity levels, keeping your shoes safe from damage.

  1. Elevate and Organize

When storing your shoes, elevate them off the ground. Placing them on shelves or using shoe racks helps to protect them from potential water damage in case of leaks or flooding. Additionally, organizing your shoes by type or season will make it easier to access them when needed.

  1. Special Care for Different Shoe Materials

Different shoe materials require specific care to ensure their longevity:

  • Leather: Leather shoes should be stored in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight to prevent fading and drying out. Stuff them with shoe trees or tissue paper to maintain their shape.
  • Suede: Suede shoes are sensitive to moisture, so use silica gel packets or a dehumidifier in the storage unit. Brush them regularly to keep the nap looking fresh.
  • Canvas: Canvas shoes can handle moisture better, but still, keep them dry and well-ventilated. Stuff them with newspaper to maintain their shape.
  • Athletic Shoes: These shoes may have specialized cushioning that can degrade over time, especially in extreme temperatures. Climate-controlled storage is ideal for athletic shoes.
  1. Rotate Your Shoes

Even in storage, it’s a good practice to rotate your shoes periodically. This prevents prolonged pressure on specific areas and helps maintain their structural integrity.

  1. Protection from Dust and Pests

Dust can accumulate in storage units, potentially affecting your shoes. To prevent this, cover your shoe containers with breathable fabric or dust covers. Additionally, consider using cedar shoe trees or sachets to deter pests like moths and silverfish, which can damage your shoes.

  1. Regular Inspections

Even though your shoes are in storage, it’s essential to periodically check on them. This helps you catch any potential issues early on. Look for signs of mold, mildew, or insect damage. If you notice any problems, address them promptly to prevent further damage.

  1. Store Seasonally

To maximize the efficiency of your storage unit, consider rotating your shoes seasonally. During the winter, store your summer shoes, and vice versa. This not only saves space but also ensures that your shoes are accessible when you need them.

  1. Document Your Collection

For larger shoe collections, it can be helpful to create a digital or physical inventory. Take photos of each pair and keep a list of what’s in each container. This will make it easier to find specific pairs without having to search through all your shoe boxes.

  1. Consider Shoe Trees and Inserts

Shoe trees and inserts help maintain the shape of your shoes while in storage. They can be particularly useful for leather and suede shoes, which are prone to creasing. Invest in quality shoe trees or foam inserts that fit your shoes properly.

  1. Be Mindful of Fragile Accessories

If your shoes have delicate accessories like beads, sequins, or fragile embellishments, take extra care when storing them. Wrap these shoes in acid-free tissue paper to protect the embellishments from getting damaged or tangled with other shoes.

  1. Avoid Overcrowding

While it might be tempting to fit as many shoes as possible into your storage unit, avoid overcrowding. Shoes that are squished together can lose their shape and suffer damage over time. Leave enough space between each pair to ensure they are adequately protected.

In summary, safely storing your shoes in a storage unit requires careful planning and attention to detail. Clean and prepare your shoes, choose appropriate containers, opt for climate control, and give special consideration to different shoe materials. Regular inspections and organization strategies will help you keep your cherished shoe collection in excellent condition. With the right precautions, your shoes can remain stylish and ready to wear whenever you need them, even in storage.

Rent storage space in Concord NC

Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable pricing. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis NC, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.