Is your home prepped for the holidays?
Storage space is at a premium during this time of the year. With the Christmas holidays not far away, rooms have been arranged to squeeze in those extra family members, you have all your gifts, and your entire menu is planned.
As good as it is, once it is all over, there is a massive sigh of relief. You can take down your decorations, get rooms back to normal, and life can take on a new leaf with a new year. This is the time; many of us want a change.
Here is some more information about why storage space in your local Salisbury NC storage facility can be a blessing.
Making your Salisbury NC home spacious in 2020
A major challenge following the holidays can be finding a space for all the new stuff you or your family were given as gifts. Now you must figure out a place to put it. Your cabinets and drawers can be full, so clearing these can help you make room for new items. You can remove old clothes that you do not use anymore and donate for a local charity or nonprofit.
If the kids receive many new toys this year, ask them to go to their bedroom and take out unwanted toys or things they do not play with regularly. This creates new space for the new stuff they have, and you can donate old toys to people who perhaps didn’t get any presents this year.
Christmas decorations are better in your local storage space
You might be someone who decorates their entire home in decorations. These will take up mountains of space, yet this is only part of the issue. You may remove your decorations as early as January because you want to tidy up the house earlier rather than later.
As you take your decorations down, spend a little time checking the pieces and accessories. Are they broken or look dated? As you balance your decorations, you may decide what to stash and what to discard. This will help when it comes to packing and storing them in your storage space until next year!
See the Salisbury NC New Year in with a fresh start
Although the holidays have not taken place yet, you can prepare for purging after the holidays by finding a self-storage unit today.
Contact Mr. Storage, and staff members and managers will help you choose the right storage option for your belongings. They will answer any questions you may have.
With month-to-month contracts, you can rent storage space for as long as you need, whether it’s just for the season or for the whole year.
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.