Storage with U-Haul is perfect for college students; although it could seem like an unlikely combo, together, it can be the ideal solution, especially in the times of the holidays when they all come flooding home. Driving right into these Concord storage areas can be the ideal answer to a stress-free time with the family.
Here is a bit more information on why storage with U-Haul the ideal partnership for any returning family student is.
Concord storage with U-Haul makes it easier to return
Parents are still delighted to see their children from college coming home. But the garage can get cramped when they bring all their gear home. If they are on vacation, it may not be so bad, yet after graduation, there can be furniture, a bicycle, and a bed, plus all their things.
It’s challenging to sort and store this without taking it over. Storage with U-Haul means they can drive right up to a storage unit and dump their things to ease the pressure at home.
Depending on where the university student lived, the most they could have accumulated could occupy one or two rooms. Different storage units are available at Concord, NC self-storage, which is easy to arrange and affordable. With some careful planning, everything can be packed and ready to return.
Self storage options in Concord
When your college graduate returns home after graduation, they will consider the next step of their lives. This is where college students and self-storage will collaborate, regardless of level.
If you’re looking for a place to store your belongings while on holiday, look no further than your nearest self-storage facility. Are they looking for new furniture or items for their own home? Secure storage with U-Haul ensures all their things are safe and secure.
Storage units for college students
Students have hectic schedules and lack time to keep up with household tasks, so when they return home, things can quickly devolve into chaos. It is time for them to join the adult world, but this will not be a quick transition.
Security concerns for college students and self-storage facilities may exist. This is no longer the case; several Concord self-storage facilities with U-Haul solutions will protect students in the event of forgetfulness. They have automatic gates and, sometimes, self-storage doors are controlled by a keypad rather than a padlock or a key.
Concord, NC storage with U-Haul
When students know how to drive, parents need not get involved in the back-and-forth shifting of gear. College students and self-storage facilities have easy access. Mr. Storage extends a warm welcome to all students returning home for any reason.
They can arrive in a U-Haul truck and unload directly into their self-storage unit with the help of their mates. All that is expected is the date, and approximate time the vehicle will arrive. It is even easier to arrange as you can begin your rental and pay your bills online, eliminating the need to visit the office.
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.