Storage in Harrisburg NC, UNCC area is one of the most cost-effective ways to store your excess stuff. Outside unit plots are often used to keep vehicles such as automobiles, recreational vehicles, dirt motorcycles, tractors, yachts, and other similar items. If you want to protect your items from the outside elements, then a drive-up inside storeroom unit is another choice. If it’s important to keep your possessions at a certain temperature, then a climate-controlled unit is another option.
Drive up, ground-level storage units
Units like these are available in a variety of sizes. Some of the more common choices are 10-foot wide by 10-foot deep or 10-foot wide by 15-foot-deep openings, among others. The height of drive-up storage varies depending on the kind of storeroom facility you are looking at. The doors of these rooms are frequently designed to roll up like a garage door. However, even though they seem to be garages, it is best to verify with management to determine whether cars are permitted to be parked in the bigger units.
Storage space indoors
This unit ensures users need to enter a facility and go through some sort of security checkpoint. Inside storeroom is offered in a variety of configurations, ranging from small closets to huge rooms. Dollies and other equipment may be available to you to assist you in transporting your belongings from your vehicle to the storeroom facility.
Choosing a storeroom company you can rely on, with excellent customer service is also good advice. Find a company that offers a great rate, secure storeroom facility, and excellent local management
Best local storage in Harrisburg, NC
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.