How do we begin with excess stuff?
Storage near me need not be close to university and is more often closer to home. University residences change from year to year. A primary example being your child moves from a dorm into a rented apartment. Come the end of the year, the inevitable question raises its head again. What to do with all their belongings?
Does it make more sense to move the belongings home, or is it better for them to take on short-term storage close to the university? No matter what the decision, encourage your child not to miss the opportunity to clean their space so they don’t move or store items they no longer need.
If you have a child returning home to Salisbury NC this summer, you still have some time to make this decision, but until then, here are some useful bits of advice, which may help.
Should it stay, or should it go in Salisbury NC?
Deciding what they should move home rather than putting in storage near me, can be more challenging. One golden rule for children is if it is books, then these don’t need to return home unless they will be read. If there is out of season clothing, there will be no need for it, so that can stay away.
Apart from every-day clothes, parents should only have the concern of a pillow, a blanket and bed sheets.
Things exclusive to school or college, they can pack them away immediately. Even if they are shipped back to Salisbury NC, they can go straight into a storage facility. Dishes, which they bought for their room, school supplies, and personal items. Many of which will already be in your home. Space is at a premium, so why waste it with things they won’t touch for a few months.
Students need to consider summer activities while doing their packing. Only things that will be in use need to return to the family home. While wasting space is a pain, going backward and forward to your local storage facility for non-essentials is worse.
The storage near me is by the school
Your returning children do need to pack things correctly. It doesn’t matter if their local storage facility is by the school, or they are shipping things back home for storage. Make sure they wash all their laundry before putting it into storage and making use of the right kind of storage unit is crucial.
Climate controlled will prevent humidity and moisture. Clothes in plastic can get moldy in the wrong environment. As can books and other items.
Plastic boxes are better than cardboard, and your kid’s need to be sure things are kept off the floor. If you can’t see their belongings, there is no way to advise, so some direct instruction on how to pack for storage near me will be welcome.
Salisbury NC local storage cuts through the woes
Storage near me and close to your home does make life easier in lots of areas. A child returning home with bags and boxes isn’t much fun when most of it will just sit there.
You can quickly find out the best storage unit for your child’s belongings by contacting Mr. Storage. The staff are all too aware of the inconvenience that can be caused by a surprise arrival of a truck full of storage boxes.
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.