What is the best way to store my kayak in the winter?
Kayak storage can be difficult, as many of these are large in size. Not to mention a family may have more than one of these boats to deal with. Many people only find out once they buy these how hard they can be to care for and put in storage after the event. A garage may appear appropriate, yet they are not the ideal conditions as it can quickly lead to hull damage if they get banged unexpected. Here is some more information how to care for a kayak when not in use.
Clean after use in Salisbury NC and before you use kayak storage
If you use your kayak to venture into the great outdoors, you can accumulate all manner of debris. From lunches to fishing bait to dirt from shoes or what blows across the water. It may appear to be just hang up your kayak, yet they do need a good clean before going into any Salisbury NC storage.
Here are the steps to make sure it is pristine and ready for storage:
- Remove fabric seats or any removable storage compartments. Wash as instructed and then make sure they are very dry.
- Wash all over your kayak with mild detergent and water. Get into all the corners where bugs may want to hide.
- Rinse your kayak and make sure there is no water anywhere. It needs to be dried thoroughly as water can be the place where mold begins to fester.
Finding the best kayak storage
Around the home can be limited on space for kayak storage. Garages can be full of vehicles, and there is no chance to use a basement or an attic. This leaves the outdoors. This causes problems because they are often wrapped in tarpaulins, these trap moisture inside and can lead to mold all over your boat. If you are keeping it outside, you need to tent the fabric and leave a gap so air can flow. This though lets pests inside when the weather is cold. Kayaks should also never be left on the floor for extended periods. If they are on concrete, freezing cold can seep up and may damage the hull.
What is the best kayak storage in Salisbury NC?
Indoors is the best storage environment for your kayak. However, the question is where to find a space that is perfect. This is much easier than you think because the local self storage facility has these perfect spaces. If you need kayak storage spaces, contact Mr. Storage and the personnel will guide you through the best ways of storing your pride and joy using a climate-controlled storage unit. These Are highly affordable and will keep your kayak in the best possible condition while in storage.
Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.