Storage owners in Kannapolis NC understand that people have several obligations. Perhaps you have a convertible that you like driving in the summer, but the winter has come, and you must put it away.
Maybe you are planning to leave town for a career or a long period of vacation. Perhaps you are a member of the military who is being stationed abroad. Whatever the cause for your absence from the car, you’ll need to store it somewhere safe until you return. Even if you merely leave your car parked on the side of the road or in a garage for a lengthy period, you may find that it has a dead battery or, worse still, a damaged engine with worn-out tires and an infestation of rats beneath the hood.
Keep it safe and protected
Storage spaces are an excellent location for storing a car. This will shield it from the outdoors and allow it to maintain a somewhat consistent temperature. If you do not have access to a garage and cannot locate affordable alternative housing, consider storing your vehicle in a car storage facility.
Make a point of cleaning it up
Storage facilities in Kannapolis, NC, are perfect if you’re about to put your car away for months. It may seem counterintuitive to get the car washed, but it is a simple step that should not be overlooked. Water stains or bird droppings left on the car’s paint might cause it to become discolored. Make careful to thoroughly clean the wheels and undersides of the fenders to ensure that no mud, oil, or tar remains on them. Applying a layer of wax to the automobile can provide further protection.
Fill the tank to the brim
Storage experts consider a full tank as another suggestion for long-term care storage. It’s a good idea to fill up the tank with gas if you’re going to be storing the automobile for more than 30 days. Filling it up will help to prevent moisture from building within the gasoline tank and will protect the seals from being damaged. It would help if you acquired a gasoline stabilizer to prevent ethanol buildup in the engine and protect it against gum, varnish, and rust accumulation. The fuel stabilizer will keep the gas fresh for up to 12 months.
Top storage near me in Kannapolis, NC
Mr. Storage is a storage facility that considers the health of your car permanently. Mr. Storage is your point of call, and it is dependable. Mr. Storage is locally owned and managed with affordable prices. We have storage facilities in Concord, Salisbury, Harrisburg, Kannapolis, and Midland. Contact us today to reserve your unit.